Whatever the medium of engagement, Broadband Dynamics offers the solution. Broadband Dynamics offers an Omnichannel solution that includes Voice, Email, Web Chat, Social Media, and SMS.

Today’s consumer expects a choice of contact media type. They may even expect a conversation across a number of these. Our solution offers end-to-end support for non-voice media types, and connectors to integrate with any 3rd party applications that handle them, e.g. speech recognition, chat providers, social media alerting tools, and etc.


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    K E Y    F E A T U R E S

    Multimedia Solutions
    (e.g. voice, email, chat, social media) Make the most of customer engagement opportunities and maximize agent productivity by using a variety of media.

    Inbound Solutions
    (e.g. customer service, technical support, help desk) Offers a smooth customer journey through IVR to the right CSR and great service.

    Blended Solutions
    Respond instantly and automatically to service level requirements by moving agents freely across campaigns of any media type including voice, email, chat, and social media.

    Outbound Solutions
    (e.g. telesales, debt collection, market research) Maximize agent talk time and minimize idle time while staying within legal limits for abandoned calls.

    Scripting for IVR and agent
    Scripter tool allows the easy creation of the most complex branched scripts for both IVR and agent. Easily build sophisticated routing based on campaign needs. There is no limit to the media types agents can be assigned.

    Outbound IVR
    Voice messages, SMS’s and emails can be sent directly from the IVR. Messages can be played including response options for further action.

    System Integrations
    Integrates with non-voice media types, and connectors to applications that handle them, e.g. speech recognition, chat providers, messaging apps (such as Whatsapp/- Facebook Messenger), and Web calling (via WebRTC).

    Manage campaign performance with both historical and live displays reporting available through an easy to use application.

    Agent Efficiency
    Agents can be members of several queue types. For instance, a CSR on an inbound campaign could simultaneously handle several email conversations, chat and social media sessions. This enables the best possible use of agents’ time.

    Call Recording

    Call recording and retrieval can be setup for the entire call or just specific portions like answers to an interviewer questions.

    Cloud Based
    Faster implementation and no expensive equipment to purchase.